Our mission is to make Asian sourcing easy for our clients by consistently producing the targeted product quality, delivered on schedule, at the best possible price, and requiring the least amount of effort from our clients.





Commitment to Quality

Attention to Detail

Sense of Urgency and Timeliness


With a fifty-year combined history in manufacturing and sourcing in Asia, we have learned the key to successful manufacturing is to focus diligently on quality, to maintain a strong sense of urgency, to have a team on the ground to expedite the resolution of problems in person should they arise, and to inspect for quality with our own eyes.

We focus on assuring quality products are competitively priced and delivered on time with the goal of no returns related to quality issues. To consistently accomplish this we work closely with an expanding but controlled group of supplier partners who we know and trust, so we can communicate openly and directly – which is sometimes counter-culture in Asia.


P2P Manufacturing Make Asian Sourcing Easy




P2P’s business founders, David Moise and Andy Gu, have collaborated since they built and managed an electronic cable assembly factory in 1997 that employed over 650 people in mainland China. There they worked with Fortune 500 companies as a manufacturer and supplier. In 2011, they founded P2P to help Western business owners solve the puzzle of mass production in China. Since that time, they have built a strong network of factories and loyal customers, melding their Western business sensibilities with all they have learned living and working in China for a combined fifty-plus years.

David Moise

Andy’s expertise is in engineering, quality systems, manufacturing processes, and factory management that Andy has developed over three decades of experience with factories in Asia. Andy has an IT degree from Adelaide Institute of Business and Technology in Australia. David’s background includes degrees in Business, Marketing and International Business from Indiana University and varied work experience in sales and marketing, management, supply chain, sourcing and quality assurance.  Together they bring a perspective that allows them to handcraft a unique Chinese mass production experience that emphasizes quality, pricing, timely delivery and service. They understand both sides of the manufacturing puzzle, the suppliers and the customers.

Andy Gu

Bill Diederich leads P2P’s business development activities in North America from our office in Ohio. He started his career at C2G, a small consumer electronics business that produced computer-related cable assemblies. Over 26 years Bill progressed from a Customer Service Representative in a small business to President & CEO of a $140M/yr electronics company that employed nearly 1000 people with  operations in North America, Europe and Asia. A critical part of growing that business was building a product development function and Asian sourcing department, which is the connection to the David Moise and Andy Gu at P2P who led C2G’s Asian manufacturing and sourcing operations previously.

Bill Diederich

David, Andy, Bill and the rest of the team at P2P are experienced and qualified to help design and engineer products for mass production in Asia. They are multilingual and capable of communicating effectively with your team and factory management throughout China, Vietnam and elsewhere in Asia.

Together, David and Andy have built a team in Asia that embody the same principles and work ethic of Bill’s team in the United States – attention to detail, a high level of customer service and focus on quality – all of which has made P2P the success that it is today.